Monday, June 1, 2009

Ethiopia Football suspension ended

FIFA announced the lifting of the suspension by the FIFA Executive Committee on the Ethiopian Football Federation (EFF) on the condition that the electoral committee which has been installed would “organise and chair an elective general assembly by the end of July 2009.”

FIFA suspended the EFF in July after it failed to comply with the roadmap agreed in February 2008 aimed at normalising the situation of the federation. The problems at the EFF began in January 2008, when its general assembly fired Dr Ashebir. The assembly wanted to remove the president for what they said was the "dismal" record of Ethiopian football, and elected Ahmed Yasin to replace him. However, the January meeting was not recognised by Fifa, according to BBC, who have been trying to find a solution ever since.

In another development, FIFA gave Nigeria a deadline of 11 June to commit to hosting the under-17 World Cup or face forfeiting the tournament. Nigeria is due to host the 24-team event from 24 October to 15 November. But FIFA is unhappy that several cities have yet to prove their suitability to stage matches.

Wollega Stadium

Wollega Stadium Complex is a major ongoing project in Nekemte by Oromos and other Ethiopians from the Diaspora as well as in Oromia, Ethiopia. The construction is expected to last 4 years from 2008-2011.

The total project cost which is estimated at Birr 190 million is expected from community, public and donors. According to its website, to this date, Birr 33,200,000 is collected. According to JT sources, the youth, students, the local government and members of Jimma University have also organized fundraising activities to help the stadium. Among its various facilities are expected to be an Olympic standard running track & field as well as a FIFA standard football field. Click Here to Visit Wollega Stadium website

To find scores of Football matches in the Ethiopian Premier League use the JT SCOREBOARD sub-section at the "SPORTS" section of Jimma Times website.

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